James Kell racing an XKART go kart around whilton mill kart circuit at the kart JKC championship junior rotax red and black and white go kart with driver in white arai helmet

How to support James Kell with his racing future.

There are LOADS of ways you can support James, and many of them are free!


SOCIAL MEDIA. Following James on his social media costs nothing, every like, comment and share catches the algorithm and helps his page grow. 


EASY FUNDRAISING. Sign up to Easy Fundraising for free and they’ll donate a small % of every online purchase to James’s racing! You can even get an app for your phone or browser extension so you never miss an opportunity. 


DONATE ANNONYMOUSLY. Donate via PayPal and your contribution will be kept anonymous. 


PAY FOR A RACE ITEM. Pick an item from below that James needs for his race season to contribute, this can be anonymous or you can let us know who you are and we will get you put on his race trailer!


CLUB #52. Sign up to Club#52 for numerous benefits. 


PARTNERS & SPONSORS. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or partner, there are a variety of advertising options available to you. For more information on how we can align James to your marketing objectives please view James’s Partnership Proposal.

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